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Our Team


Executive Team

The Executive Team leads the IEEE New York Tech-Vancouver Student Branch. As the ambassadors of New York Tech within the IEEE community, our role is to bridge the gap between students and industry professionals. We are committed to providing enriching opportunities and fostering a supportive, inclusive environment for all members.

New York Tech Vancouver IEEE Members

NYIT-Vancouver IEEE Members are encouraged to actively participate in both our branch-specific activities and broader IEEE Vancouver events. Your membership grants you exclusive access to a wide range of events and workshops throughout the academic year. For those interested in taking on a leadership role, we also welcome members to join our Executive Team, where you can contribute to shaping the future of our student branch.

IEEE New York Tech-Vancouver Student Branch & IEEE Vancouver Section

The IEEE New York Tech-Vancouver Student Branch is an integral part of the IEEE Vancouver Section, one of Canada’s most established and expansive sections. Our branch serves as a dynamic conduit between New York Tech Vancouver students and the expansive IEEE community in the region. Through this affiliation, our members gain access to a plethora of activities, from technical presentations and industry tours to engineering conferences and symposia, all aimed at fostering professional growth and promoting technical awareness.

Join IEEE New York Tech-Vancouver Student Branch Founding Team!


Duties and Responsibilities:

1. Leading the development and execution of the Branch’s long-term strategy.
2. Presiding over meetings and directing the Executive Committee.
3. Representing the Branch at local, regional, and international IEEE events.
4. Liaising with faculty, industry professionals, and other IEEE branches to promote collaboration.
5. Overseeing the planning and execution of Branch activities and initiatives.

1. Assisting the Chair in strategic planning and decision-making processes.
2. Coordinating between different committees to ensure alignment with the Branch’s goals.
3. Taking on special projects and leading initiatives as directed by the Chair.
4. Supporting the Chair in external representation and networking activities.
5. Stepping in to manage the Branch’s operations in the absence of the Chair.

Duties and Responsibilities:

1. Keep comprehensive records of all team activities.
2. Manage branch communications.
3. Document minutes during every team gathering.
4. Update the New York Tech IEEE website.
5. Procure necessary printed materials.
6. Support the Chair as needed.
7. Oversee collaborations between NYIT IEEE and other entities.

Duties and Responsibilities:

1. Oversee the branch’s financial activities and budget.
2. Maintain accurate financial records.
3. Prepare financial reports for review.
4. Ensure compliance with financial regulations and standards.
5. Collaborate with other team members on budgeting for events and activities.

Media Coordinator
Duties and Responsibilities:

1. Craft and implement media plans to spotlight branch happenings.
2. Keep the New York Tech IEEE website current.
3. Manage all New York Tech IEEE social media accounts.
4. Partner with the Events Coordinator for event publicity.
5. Create and share promotional content for events.

Event Coordinator
Duties and Responsibilities:

1. Maintain and refresh an events calendar.
2. Organize and oversee branch events in line with our objectives.
3. Partner with other organizations for combined events.
4. Collaborate with the Media Coordinator for event publicity.
5. Handle event logistics, from venue selection to technical setups.
6. Assess event outcomes and gather insights for enhancements.

Graduate Representative
Duties and Responsibilities:

1. Serve as the voice for graduate student concerns within the branch.
2. Promote IEEE’s value to the graduate community.
3. Help organize events tailored for graduate student interests.
4. Facilitate networking with professionals and academics.
5. Collect feedback to improve graduate student engagement.

Duties and Responsibilities:

1. Providing guidance and advice to members on academic, research, and career-related questions.
2. Support the Student Branch in creating impactful initiatives.
3. Attend regular meetings with the members of the Student Branch.
4. Encouraging members to engage with IEEE resources and opportunities for professional development.
5. Collaborate closely with both the Student Branch Counselor and the Student Branch Chair.

Duties and Responsibilities:

1. Communicating guidelines and directives from IEEE headquarters.
2. Discussing branch activities and addressing any issues in consultation with the Section Student Activities Committee (SAC) Chair, Regional SAC Chair, or Region Director.
3. Serving as a bridge between the IEEE Student Branch and the university’s student affairs.
4. Participating in Executive Committee meetings to offer support to Branch Committees.
5. Building and maintaining a positive relationship with the local IEEE section.
6. Offering perspective on current industrial and academic trends that pertain to IEEE’s domains of interest.
7. Assisting in the coordination of academic and professional events.
8. Encouraging student enrollment in IEEE and enhancing student knowledge of IEEE membership advantages, including awards and contests.
9. Engaging other faculty members in the student branch’s undertakings.